Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Student Health Center : Texas State University

The Texas State University Student Health Center (SHC) has a policy that establishes guidelines for accepting and managing the care of patients with ADHD.  Students interested in having a physician manage their ADHD while at Texas State must have an established diagnosis of ADHD.  

Procedure for Requesting an Appointment for ADHD:

  1. Students seeking medication for the treatment of ADHD are required to provide documentation of at least one of the following types of medical records:
  • Neuropsychological testing by a psychologist supporting a diagnosis of ADHD
  • Evaluation by a psychiatrist leading to the diagnosis of ADHD
  • Recent treatment by a psychiatrist for ADHD
  1. Medical records should include any testing for ADHD conducted by a psychologist or psychiatrist and treatment notes. Medical records may be submitted to the Texas State University Student Health Center Medical Records Department by completing the form below and either:
  • Faxing to 512.245.9288
  • Mailing to 601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666
  • Hand delivering to the Medical Records Department on the second floor of the Student Health Center at the San Marcos campus

Request Records from Another Provider be sent to the Health Center.
If you have your medical records faxed or mailed to the SHC, you should contact the Student Health Center Medical Records Department at 512.245.2161 to confirm that the records have been received.

  1. The medical records will be sent to one of the SHC physicians for review. Physicians will review the medical record within 5 business days. If the medical records include the required information listed above, then the physician will approve an appointment for ADHD.  The SHC will contact the student to notify them of the physician’s decision. If the medical records do not provide the required information, the SHC will contact the student to notify them and will recommend seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist for further evaluation.
  2. Students diagnosed and treated by a primary care physician without the recommended neuropsychological testing do not meet the criteria established by the SHC and will not be accepted for ADHD care at the SHC.
  3. Students with ADHD who have complicated co-existing mental health disorders such as bipolar, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorder, psychosis and substance use disorder will be referred to a psychiatrist for management of the ADHD. SHC primary care physicians do not manage ADHD with complicated co-existing mental health disorders.
  4. Because many of the medications used to treat ADHD are controlled substances and have abuse potential, it is important that persons affected by this disorder be carefully evaluated to ensure that treatment is appropriate. SHC policy includes urine drug screening. Students who decline a urine drug screening will not be able to receive ADHD care at the SHC. Students with positive screens for illicit drug use (recreational drugs or inappropriate use of prescription medicines) may be referred for treatment of substance use disorder.


For more information :
Contact the Student Health Center Medical Records Department at 512.245.2161.