Interested in securing health education programming for your class, department, student organization, or residence hall? Use the button below to request that a speaker from Health Promotion Services meet with your group.
Health Presentations
Please select from the list of health and wellness presentations below. We need a two week notice to schedule presentations.
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Presentation Topics
Staying Healthy in College: The Key to Academic Success (Recommended for US100 classes)

Sleep, exercise, nutrition, mental health, campus resources and more! In this group trivia-style presentation, students will receive a Cliff’s Notes version of overall health as well as tools to maximize their wellness and academic performance at Texas State.
Presented by: Healthy Cats
Becoming an Upstander: Addressing Alcohol, Drugs, and Sexual Violence on Campus

Have you ever been concerned about a situation and wanted to help...but didn't? This presentation builds on concepts from the Stand Up, Speak Up module all new students are required to watch for Bobcat Preview. Students will practice skills and gain the confidence to speak up and reduce the potential of harm caused by alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, and interpersonal violence. These skills will help students become proactive upstanders and contribute to a healthier campus.
Presented by: Healthy Cats & Students Against Violence
Stand Up, Speak Up

This video aims to create a safer campus by addressing substance use, interpersonal violence, and bystander intervention. Students will be introduced to concepts needed to make responsible decisions about alcohol and other drugs as well as ways to prevent harm caused by interpersonal violence and alcohol poisoning.
Note to Instructors: This is the same presentation that all students are required to watch for Bobcat Preview and is not available for request. For an alcohol and drug presentation, please request Becoming an Upstander.
Presented by: Healthy Cats & Students Against Violence
Close Your Eyes and Count to Zen: Managing Stress in College

College can be stressful, but there are ways to manage that stress. In this Jeopardy-style presentation, we explain the science behind stress and provide several unique tools and healthy lifestyle tips to manage it as a student.
Presented by: Healthy Cats
Contraception Minute-to-Win-It

Many people have heard of condoms and birth control pills, but what are other ways to prevent pregnancy? Through minute-to-win-it games, students will learn about the many methods of contraception, their effectiveness, and resources for taking care of their sexual health.
Presented by: Healthy Cats
Sex, Lies, and Chocolate

Answer a question in this interactive presentation and earn a Hershey Kiss! In this program, students will be quizzed on sexual health in a positive environment. Topics such as safer sex practices, preventing sexually transmitted infections, and utilizing methods of contraception will be addressed.
Presented by: Healthy Cats & Students Against Violence
Yes Means Yes: Getting Consent

Talking about consent can often feel uncomfortable and confusing, landing people in a “grey area” of understanding. This presentation seeks to break down affirmative consent and allows participants to discuss barriers around discomfort as well as address the ways in which coercion and force exist in some sexual interactions. Through this presentation students will break down rape myths, understand consent in a practical way, receive tools to interrupt problematic behavior around them, and discuss resources on campus and in the community.
Presented by: Students Against Violence
Red Flags in Relationships

While it may feel easy to recognize unhealthy relationships, it is important to acknowledge that manipulation and abuse show up in many relationships regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. In this presentation students discuss scenarios so they can better understand how relationships can become unhealthy, and how to foster healthy relationships in their own lives. Students will address the root causes of abuse in relationships, how they can support a friend in an unhealthy relationship, and what they can do if someone in their life is harming their partner.
Presented by: Students Against Violence
Responding to Interpersonal Violence: Addressing and Preventing Violence on Campus

Sexual violence and dating violence are prevalent on college campuses across the country. Student leaders, peers, faculty, and staff all play a role in responding compassionately to those who have experienced violence. This two-hour training is intended for those who want to move beyond awareness of sexual and interpersonal violence and become confident in responding to those who have experienced violence with resources and options. This training will help participants identify how cultural norms impact the perpetuation of rape culture and discuss concrete ways to create a campus climate that supports survivors and does not tolerate perpetration of sexual and interpersonal violence. This training moves beyond Yes Means Yes: Getting Consent, if you are interested in requesting this training, please be aware time will need to be blocked for one two-hour session or two one-hour sessions.
Presented by: Students Against Violence
Understanding and Recognizing Stalking

We often see stalking portrayed in media as romantic, humorous, or heroic. This helps to normalize and downplay the seriousness of stalking behaviors, making them more difficult to identify and address. This presentation helps to define stalking and what it can look like, dispel myths related to stalking, and provide information on how individuals who experience stalking can be supported through campus and community resources.
Presented by: Students Against Violence