Getting tested for STI's is critical to stopping their spread, we make it easy at the Student Health Center.
It's Worth Knowing
STI Screenings and HIV Testing
It's Worth Knowing: Get Tested. Call 512-245-2161 or schedule an appointment online for an STI screening at the Student Health Center today.
What can I expect during an STI Screening?
There are charges for testing needed to screen for sexually transmitted infections. Results will be sent to the Patient Portal in 2-3 business days after your visit with additional instructions if needed.
Tests Recommended During Screening
Other screenings may be recommended
If you have insurance with preventive coverage, testing costs may be completely covered. Visit our Insurance page for more information about the insurance accepted in our clinic.
Other STI Tests Offered
*The only existing test for HPV is a cervical swab during a pap smear.
Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Anonymous HIV testing is done without any personal information (including name, medical history or anything else) being attached to your visit. When you call to make the appointment, the appointment clerk will ask for a name to call in the lobby; give them any name you like. Check in with the receptionist by giving them the name you are using and a nurse will call you back for brief counseling questions. The nurse then sends you to the lab. Once the blood sample is collected, the lab technician will give you a number to identify which sample is yours.
Frequently Asked Questions About STI's
What are sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?
Sexually transmitted infections are diseases that are spread from one person to another through sexual contact.
Types of STIs Include:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Genital herpes
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Syphilis
Visit the American Sexual Health Association webpage for more info about STIs.
What is the difference between STDs and STIs?
Diseases that are spread through sexual contact are usually referred to as sexually transmitted diseases or STDs for short. In recent years, however, many experts in this area of public health have suggested replacing STD with a new term—sexually transmitted infection, or STI.
Why the change? The concept of “disease,” as in STD, suggests a clear medical problem, usually some obvious signs or symptoms. But several of the most common STDs have no signs or symptoms in the majority of persons infected. Or they have mild signs and symptoms that can be easily overlooked. So the sexually transmitted virus or bacteria can be described as creating “infection,” which may or may not result in “disease.” This is true of chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV), to name a few.
Visit the American Sexual Health Association webpage for more info about the difference between STIs and STDs.
How often should I be screened for STIs?
The CDC recommends that all sexually active persons be screened for sexually transmitted infections at least once a year. Testing should be done more frequently if a person has multiple partners.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about screening for STIs.
How are STIs spread?
You can get an STI by having sex (vaginal, anal or oral) with someone who already has an STI. Anyone who is sexually active can get an STI. Some STIs, like herpes and HPV, are spread by skin-to-skin contact.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about how STIs are spread.
How common are STIs?
There are 20 million new cases of STIs each year in the United States. About half of these cases occur in people between the ages of 15 and 24.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about how common STIs are.
What can I do to protect myself from STIs?
The surest way to protect yourself against STIs is to not have sex. If you do have sex, you and your partner should get tested before hand. Make sure that you and your partner use a condom -- every time you have oral, anal or vaginal sex from start to finish. It is also very important to know how to properly use a condom. Dental dams and internal condoms are also great ways to protect yourself from STIs.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about STIs and staying healthy.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about dental dams.
Visit the Planned Parenthood webpage for more info about internal condoms.
If I get an STI, how will I know?
Get tested! Many STIs do not have any noticeable symptoms and it is very possible to get an STI from having sex with someone who has no symptoms. Just like you, that person may not know they have an STI.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about how to know if you have an STI.
Can STIs be treated?
Some STIs, such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis can be cured. Others, such as Herpes cannot be cured, but can be managed by medicine.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about how STIs can be treated.
What happens if I don't treat an STI?
Certain STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause fertility problems if left untreated. Chances of contracting HIV increase if you have an untreated STI. Some STIs can even be fatal if left untreated.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about what can happen if STIs are left untreated.
What if my partner and I have an incurable STI?
STIs such as HIV and herpes can be treated but not cured. Your doctor can prescribe medicine to help treat your symptoms. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have an STI prior to engaging in sexual activity. Being open and honest with your partner is the best way to make informed decisions about your health.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage for more info about incurable STIs.