It's Worth Knowing

Get Tested Today!

Getting tested for STI's is critical to stopping their spread, we make it easy at the Student Health Center.

Student Health Center : Texas State University

STI Screenings and HIV Testing

It's Worth Knowing: Get Tested. Call 512-245-2161 or schedule an appointment online for an STI screening at the Student Health Center today.

What can I expect during an STI Screening?

There are charges for testing needed to screen for sexually transmitted infections. Results will be sent to the Patient Portal in 2-3 business days after your visit with additional instructions if needed.

Tests Recommended During Screening

  • Chlamydia

  • Gonorrhea

  • Syphilis

  • HIV

Other screenings may be recommended

If you have insurance with preventive coverage, testing costs may be completely covered. Visit our Insurance page for more information about the insurance accepted in our clinic. 

    • Herpes

    • HPV*

    *The only existing test for HPV is a cervical swab during a pap smear.

  • Anonymous HIV testing is done without any personal information (including name, medical history or anything else) being attached to your visit. When you call to make the appointment, the appointment clerk will ask for a name to call in the lobby; give them any name you like. Check in with the receptionist by giving them the name you are using and a nurse will call you back for brief counseling questions. The nurse then sends you to the lab. Once the blood sample is collected, the lab technician will give you a number to identify which sample is yours.

Frequently Asked Questions About STI's